The Generosity of the Base: An Examination of Causes and Consequences


Sufyan al-Thawri, may Allah have mercy on him, once said: “I looked into the cause of evil in the world and found it to be in showing kindness to the base.” This quote encapsulates the core issue that can lead to numerous social problems and tragedies. In this article, we will explore the causes and consequences of extending kindness to ignoble people, supported by life experiences and personal testimonies.

Analysis of the Quote

Sufyan al-Thawri highlights that showing kindness to ignoble people is the root of much evil in the world. The base person does not see kindness as a noble act to be appreciated and acknowledged, but rather as a tool to exploit others and serve their own interests. Thus, kindness transforms from a noble deed into a source of hostility and problems.

Personal Experience

Humam Arafa shares his personal experience with ignoble people, noting that he repeatedly made the mistake of being lenient with them and trying to treat them with good manners. Humam says, “The biggest mistake is to be lenient with the ignoble and treat them with good manners.” He adds that he does not advocate mistreating the base person, but rather treating them with justice and in accordance with Allah’s commands, without extending extra kindness.

Causes and Consequences

  1. Exploitation by the Base: The ignoble person views kindness as their right and a duty that must be fulfilled. This exploitative attitude leads to further demands and exploitation.
  2. Lack of Appreciation: When the base person loses the favor, they turn against the benefactor and start attacking them. This behavior reflects the ingratitude and treachery of the ignoble, leading to the loss of good relationships and the emergence of hostilities.
  3. Psychological and Social Impact: Showing kindness to ignoble people results in frustration and regret for the benefactor. This feeling can lead to a reluctance to engage in benevolent acts, which negatively impacts society as a whole.


Dealing with ignoble people requires wisdom and skill. It is crucial to learn how to extend kindness to those who deserve it and appreciate its value, while avoiding those who see it as an opportunity for exploitation. As Humam Arafa said, “I would rather live with a dog than associate with and deal with an ignoble person.” This wisdom highlights the importance of choosing the right people for acts of kindness to ensure the sustainability of good and its spread in society.

Invitation to Reflect

In conclusion, we should reflect on the verse in the Quran: “And do good as Allah has done good to you” (Surah Al-Qasas, 28:77). This invitation to do good should be directed towards those who appreciate the act and reciprocate with good deeds, thereby strengthening social cohesion and spreading goodness among people.

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