Leptin Resistance (the Satiety Hormone)

Leptin Resistance (the Satiety Hormone)

Many people think that weight gain and loss are only related to calories and willpower. Well, this is both true and false. Let’s explain the topic simply to understand it and know what’s happening in our bodies.

What is Leptin?

Leptin is a hormone that regulates body weight and is known as the satiety hormone. It is secreted by fat cells and signals the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, that there is enough fat stored, which decreases appetite and tells the body to stop eating and consuming more calories. Besides regulating energy, calories, and stored fat, leptin also plays a role in fertility and immunity. The more fat in the body, the higher the leptin levels in the blood. When fat stores decrease, leptin levels in the blood drop, prompting the brain to feel hunger.

What Happens with Leptin Resistance?

Unfortunately, many people experience leptin resistance, where the brain does not perceive the signals correctly, does not recognize the leptin levels in the blood, and fails to understand them. This results in the body constantly feeling hungry and even feeling like it’s starving, despite having plenty of stored fat and energy.

What Does This Mean?

It means that the issue of being overweight is not just a matter of willpower; it’s a hormonal problem beyond individual control. Therefore, overcoming this feeling through exercise or dieting alone can be difficult without patience and perseverance.

Causes of Leptin Resistance

  1. Inflammation: General inflammation in the body, including the hypothalamus.
  2. Free Fatty Acids: High levels of fat in the blood that interfere with leptin signals.
  3. Very High Leptin Levels: Can cause resistance on their own, leading to a vicious cycle where leptin levels keep rising, but the brain doesn’t recognize it.

How to Recognize Leptin Resistance

Simply look in the mirror. If you see a lot of fat around your belly, you might be suffering from leptin resistance.

Treatment for Leptin Resistance

  1. Avoid processed foods that increase inflammation in the body and affect gut health.
  2. Eat fiber and focus on healthy foods and vegetables.
  3. Exercise, even if your energy is low due to leptin.
  4. Get enough sleep, preferably before midnight, and avoid electronic devices before bed.
  5. Reduce triglyceride levels (TG) by cutting down on carbohydrates and sugars. Experience shows that these levels can significantly drop on a ketogenic diet.
  6. Consume enough protein, which promotes satiety and improves leptin resistance.
  7. Practice intermittent fasting and try longer fasting periods.


Leptin resistance is similar to insulin resistance, and healing both goes hand in hand. Remember that no one ever died from hunger because they skipped a meal, but we can die from obesity and unhealthy eating. Leptin means hunger and lack of energy. Be strong and overcome your cravings, your circumstances, and the leptin and insulin in your body.

Final Message

Be strong, understand your illness, and learn how to deal with it and overcome the lack of energy. Remember: “Heal it with what is the disease itself.” Be strong and overcome your cravings, your psyche, your circumstances, and the leptin and insulin in your body.

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