Scientific Miracles in the Creation of the Camel (Dromedary)

The camel, also known as the “ship of the desert,” is a unique creature with remarkable features that perfectly adapt it to the harsh conditions of the desert. This article highlights some of the scientific miracles in the creation of the camel, supported by modern scientific insights and historical observations.

The Camel’s Ability to Drink Salt Water

It is astonishing that the camel can drink salt water, even from the Dead Sea, without its blood pressure rising. This is due to the unique ability of its kidneys to filter the water and separate the salts, allowing it to drink fresh water. This trait enables the camel to survive in environments where fresh water is scarce, enhancing its sustainability in the desert.

Eating Thorny Plants

The camel is distinguished by its ability to eat thorny plants without damaging its stomach or intestines. Its saliva contains strong enzymes and acids that dissolve the thorns similarly to acid, allowing them to be consumed like bread and dough. Therefore, Bedouins use camel saliva to treat wounds caused by thorns.

Eye Protection from Sandstorms

The camel has two eyelids, one transparent and the other made of flesh. It can close only the transparent eyelid to protect its eyes from desert sand, allowing it to see and walk confidently even in the toughest weather conditions.

Adaptation to Temperature Changes

The camel can adjust its body temperature in a remarkable way. It raises its temperature in cold, snowy environments and lowers it in extremely hot deserts. This thermal adaptation helps it save energy and water, preventing heat stress or extreme cold.


The miracle of the camel’s creation is evident in every aspect of its adaptation to its environment. The verse in the Quran: “Do they not look at the camels, how they are created?” invites us to contemplate this amazing creature. Modern science continues to uncover more secrets about the camel’s unique capabilities, deepening our appreciation for the greatness of God’s creation.


These scientific traits and field observations about the camel confirm how well it adapts to harsh environmental conditions, reflecting the profound divine wisdom in its design and creation.

This article highlights the wonders of divine creation in the adaptability of creatures to their environments and invites us to reflect on the greatness of the Creator.

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