Twenty Questions about the Keto Diet

We will provide you with a quick way to start keto. It is worth mentioning that giving quick and ready-made recipes is not optimal because you must eat until you are full based on your needs and desires. In the first month, eat until you are full, and in the future, learn to count calories and estimate your daily needs.

First Question:

Should I start the keto diet or not?

I support starting keto, but you should know that this system is very different from other dietary regimes. Firstly, this system will completely change your metabolism, shifting from relying on sugar to relying on ketones (produced from fats). Therefore, you should make the decision firmly and be confident in your choice and be patient with it. This will not be just a quick experiment with a diet; you will go through tough days and should be prepared for them, which is natural and hopefully not harmful. If you have read and followed the steps, it is preferable for keto to last for at least two to three months or more, and then gradually phase out of it.

Who should not follow the keto diet?

People with previous illnesses should consult a nutritionist or write to me in the post, and I will respond. Each case has special considerations, and there are special articles that can be read in the pinned post.

Pregnant: Prohibited.

Breastfeeding mothers: Prohibited, but with special recommendations (see post for breastfeeding).

Children: They have special considerations and notes.

Diabetics: Especially those dependent on insulin should consult their doctor and adjust their medications and monitor their sugar (there is a dedicated post detailing this).

Heart patients and recent stroke victims: Prohibited for at least a year.

Heart patients with old strokes: Consultation with a specialist or reading the fat post and avoiding its increase.

Kidney stones and sand patients: See the kidney and keto post.

Gout and high uric acid patients: See the gout and uric acid post.

Second Question:

Is keto effective for rapid weight loss?

Yes, according to studies, keto loses more weight and faster than other diet systems. Especially in the first month, it gives you a big boost on the scale, gives you energy and satiety, and helps with intermittent fasting.

Third Question:

Can I start immediately or should I prepare myself?

It is better to start gradually. Gradually stop sugar, reduce bread, rice, pasta, processed foods, and soft drinks. After two to three weeks, strictly follow keto. If you are in a hurry, you can start immediately, but the symptoms will be severe.

Fourth Question:

What are the symptoms that may appear?

On the first day, you will not feel anything, but on the second or third day and even a week later, you will feel dizzy, general fatigue, weakness, headaches, loss of appetite, and a strange breath odor. You may feel a strong desire for sugar. These symptoms are normal and are called “keto flu”.

Fifth Question:

How can I alleviate these symptoms?

Drink plenty of water (2-3 liters per day), eat vegetables, leafy greens, and nuts, and stick to necessary supplements like magnesium and vitamin D.

Sixth Question:

Can I start without supplements?

At least take magnesium and vitamin D.

Seventh Question:

Why do I need supplements?

Because you are now following a specific diet, and your intake of vitamins and minerals from food may not be sufficient.

Eighth Question:

What should I do if I feel dizzy on the third or fourth day?

Take the keto solution: 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of rock or sea salt, and lemon slices.

Ninth Question:

Why don’t I use regular table salt?

Because it is processed and recycled in an unhealthy way.

Tenth Question:

How much salt can I consume daily?

Do not exceed 2 to 3 teaspoons, and if you have high blood pressure, it is better to use less than 1 1/2 teaspoons.

Eleventh Question:

Is fasting necessary?

In the initial period, it is not necessary. Eat until you are full, and over time, you will reduce your appetite and can start intermittent fasting.

Twelfth Question:

What does 16/8 fasting mean?

It means fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window. For example: the last meal at 8 p.m., and the next meal at 12 p.m. the next day.

Thirteenth Question:

Can I fast for longer periods?

Yes, you can fast for 18/6 or 24 hours if your body is accustomed to keto.

Fourteenth Question:

Why do I see many posts about weight plateau?

This is due to improper practices and incorrect calorie counting.

Fifteenth Question:

How do I track my body progress?

Use the scale once a month, measure your body dimensions, and take pictures to track changes.

Sixteenth Question:

Should I undergo medical tests?

Yes, especially if you have certain diseases or plan to follow keto long-term.

Seventeenth Question:

What are the necessary tests?

Thyroid hormone TSH
Vitamin D Vit D
Magnesium Mg
Potassium K
Calcium Ca
Blood count and CBC formula
Vitamin B12 Vit B12
Folic acid Folic Acid
Complete lipid profiles (cholesterol, LDL, HDL, TG)
Uric acid Uric Acid

Eighteenth Question:

Is keto expensive?

Yes, keto can be expensive, especially in Syria. But you can adapt and rely on olive oil and poultry.

Nineteenth Question:

How much weight will I lose in the first month?

This varies from person to person. For example, a person weighing over 100 kilograms may lose more than 10 kilograms in the first month.

Twentieth Question:

What should I eat and buy?

Allowed fats: olive oil, lamb fat, animal butter.
Meats: All meats are allowed, but fatty meats are preferred.
Vegetables and leafy greens: All leafy vegetables and vegetables are allowed.
Nuts: All types of nuts are allowed in limited quantities.
Fruits: Strawberries, coconut, blueberries.
What is the difference between Keto and Low Carb?

Keto is based on fewer than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, while Low Carb ranges from 20 to 130 grams.

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